Corneal Ulcers
Alternate Names : Keratitis
A corneal ulcer is a lesion on the cornea that is usually caused
by an infection. The cornea is the clear window on the front of the eye that
covers the colored iris and pupil.
What is going on in the body?
Corneal ulcers generally form when the cornea is damaged in some
way. The break in the cornea allows organisms to enter and cause an infection.
The organisms may be a type of bacteria, virus, or fungus. Allergies or other eye conditions may
also cause corneal ulcers.
What are the causes and risks of the infection?
Herpes simplex
infection is the most common cause of corneal ulcers in the United
States. The virus that causes
chickenpox and
shingles can also cause corneal ulcers. Many times, bacterial or
fungal infections lead to corneal ulcers. Other causes of
corneal ulcers include:
conjunctivitis, an
inflammation of the clear covering of the white of the eye
contact lenses