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You are here : 3-RX.com > Drugs & Medications > Detailed Drug Information (USP DI) > Miglitol

Miglitol (Systemic)

Brand Names : Glyset

Description and Brand Names | Before Using | Proper Use | Precautions | Side Effects

  • Antidiabetic agent

Miglitol (MIG-le-tall)is used to treat high blood sugar levels that are caused by a type of diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes called type 2 diabetes. Normally, after you eat, your pancreas releases insulin to help your body store excess sugar for later use. This process occurs during normal digestion of food. In type 2 diabetes, your body does not work properly to store the excess sugar and the sugar remains in your bloodstream. Having high blood sugar can lead to serious health problems in the future. Proper diet is the first step in managing type 2 diabetes but often medicines are needed to help your body. Miglitol is a medicine that slows the digestion of sugars so your body has time to store extra sugar. Sometimes another medicine called sulfonylurea can be used in combination with miglitol to help your body store more sugar.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription, in the following dosage form:

  • Tablets (U.S.)

Brand Names

Some commonly used brand names are:

In the U.S. -

  • Glyset

† Not commercially available in Canada.


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Miglitol: Before Using

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