Gastric Suction
Alternate Names : Gastric Lavage, Stomach Pumping
What happens later at home?
Most of the time, gastric suction is performed in a hospital. Sometimes a person may go home with gastric suction. For instance, a terminally ill person who has a bowel obstruction and wants to be in his or her own home may go home with a suction device. The family is taught how to use the device before the person is discharged from the hospital. Home health care also is arranged.
What are the potential complications after the procedure?
Although gastric suction is usually effective, potential problems include:
blockage of the tube, which can cause pain or vomiting
irritation of the skin and tissues along the path of the tube, particularly if it is left in place for a long time
bleeding in the nose or nasal cavity, especially if the person is taking blood-thinning medications
movement of the tube, which will then need to be replaced