Oily Skin and Oily Hair
People with oily skin and hair have an oily sheen to their skin or hair,
sometimes within minutes of washing.
What is going on in the body?
Androgens, or male hormones, control the production of oil by the sebaceous
glands in the skin. Higher relative levels of androgens can make the skin more
oily. For example, this can occur during puberty and when taking
performance-enhancing steroids. Some people have oilier skin because they have larger
numbers of oil glands that produce more oil.
What are the causes and risks of the symptom?
Oily skin and hair are caused by an excess of androgens. The amount of oil in a
person's hair and skin varies, depending on:
time of year
sun and wind
temperature and humidity. Skin looks the oiliest in hot, humid weather.