Tubal Ligation
Alternate Names : Tubal Sterilization, Sterilization, Female
Tubal ligation is surgery performed to "tie the tubes." It refers to the Fallopian tubes and will permanently prevent a woman from having children.
Who is a candidate for the procedure?
Women who no longer want to be able to have children and who cannot use reversible methods of contraception (birth control), may decide to undergo tubal ligation. Often they cannot use other methods because of side effects or allergies. Usually these women have already had one or more children. If a woman has never had children or is less than 30 years old, a reversible method is a much better choice. Tubal ligation is also useful for women whose medical problems make pregnancy very risky and prevent them from using other methods.
How is the procedure performed?
Tubal ligation may be done in several ways. It can be done at the same time as a cesarean section, after the baby is born and the uterus is repaired. It can be done within 24 hours after a vaginal delivery through a small incision below the navel. In a laparoscopy, the tubes are not tied, but closed off with plastic clips, loops, or rings. In a vaginal procedure, a small incision is made through the top of the vagina through which the tubes may be tied. Hysterectomy is not performed in order to sterilize women, but that is the result.